16 July 2010


so many things to do, yet I don't want to do any of them.
The 3 day stampede is almost here and I'm so excited. Hopefully they will go way beyond what they raised last year.


Headache.......and working out.

Started out the morning not feeling well, had a headache. Last night something didn't agree with me at dinner, had a stomach ache.
But woke up with a headache, couldn't decide if it was a sinus headache because of the weather, or a headache from not enough sleep. I laid back down after I got some things done this morning. Felt better when I got up.
Thank God it's Friday and I don't have to get up at 5 am tomorrow.
It also means no workouts til Monday again. Have today then free for the weekend.
Been busting my butt since I started working out again. I feel good when I am working out, but I get discouraged because I don't really ever see results. At least I don't see them, everyone tells me I look good or whatever but I don't see a difference.
This time I'm sticking to it though, because now that I had been working out, then stopped, there really was a difference, I can feel it and see it.  So time to get back in the saddle and toughen up. I want my body back.
The body I had before I went on the Depo Provera birth control shot and gained 30 pounds in a matter of a few months. I've been off of it for a little over 3 years, but trust me, that definitely doesn't matter. Still have all the weight.  I want to try and lose that too.
Anyone have any good helpful tips or support?

15 July 2010


So, I haven't posted in awhile, figured I should update everyone. I spent the last 2 weeks at my parents place, soaking up the sun, and enjoying the lake and the pool. 
It was pretty nice, been back at home since Friday. It feels good to be home after so much time away, although the place is a mess. 
So much to do.  
Finished reading book 7 in the House of Night Series, loved it. It's called Burned. Book 8 doesn't come out til next year. 
Just started a new book the other day called Once Dead, Twice Shy. It's pretty good so far, it has a sequel too that just came out in May called Early to Death, Early to Rise. 
I'm so glad I finally started liking reading, it definitely passes the time, and I have found so many books I'm interested in. I can thank my brother for that actually. It all started with the Twilight Saga. He bought me Twilight, and I loved it, since then I've been hooked on Vampire books, and other books with that death like twist. HAHA  For instance, Ghostgirl, Ghostgirl:Homecoming.  Bloodsucking Fiends, You Suck, the House of Night Series, and now the book I'm reading now.
So big thanks to my brother. He got me to like reading. YAY!