So as you all know, I haven't been online in forever, and I haven't updated in forever either.
So, I had my Clinic appointment on November 19th, and my PFT's were AMAZING, the best they have ever been without the help of IV's. They were 97%.
Haven't had IV's in 3 years. Nothing horrible from Dr. Whittaker, just that I need to exercise more.
My ENT appointment went okay, he said that I will need another sinus surgery eventually to remove some polyps from my nose, but as long as my PFT's stay this good it's not something that needs to be dealt with now. It will need to be done if it starts affecting my PFT's, in the sense that they decline.
So pretty much all good news from them.
Last week got a call from the Women's Center at Fletcher Allen to set up my appointment to meet with the Genetic Counselor. So that's set for December 8th.
This will be our first appointment, don't quite know what to expect, so, if anyone can give me a heads up, please do so.
Thanksgiving went well, was a busy day. We went to my parents in the morning, and then to Jerry's dads in the afternoon.
He went Black Friday shopping.
I'm going Christmas shopping for him this weekend. Pretty excited that Christmas is almost here! Can't believe it!!
Hoping to get on and update a bit more often. Hoping to let everyone know how our Genetic Counseling appointment goes.