16 July 2010

Headache.......and working out.

Started out the morning not feeling well, had a headache. Last night something didn't agree with me at dinner, had a stomach ache.
But woke up with a headache, couldn't decide if it was a sinus headache because of the weather, or a headache from not enough sleep. I laid back down after I got some things done this morning. Felt better when I got up.
Thank God it's Friday and I don't have to get up at 5 am tomorrow.
It also means no workouts til Monday again. Have today then free for the weekend.
Been busting my butt since I started working out again. I feel good when I am working out, but I get discouraged because I don't really ever see results. At least I don't see them, everyone tells me I look good or whatever but I don't see a difference.
This time I'm sticking to it though, because now that I had been working out, then stopped, there really was a difference, I can feel it and see it.  So time to get back in the saddle and toughen up. I want my body back.
The body I had before I went on the Depo Provera birth control shot and gained 30 pounds in a matter of a few months. I've been off of it for a little over 3 years, but trust me, that definitely doesn't matter. Still have all the weight.  I want to try and lose that too.
Anyone have any good helpful tips or support?

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